Sunday 5 June 2016


                Hi guys!. Today i am going to do a review about a virtual world movie. A fascinating and mind blowing. This movie will absolutely give you a whole new perspective to the virtual vs reality world. This is a review about Free To Play movie that had been produced by Valve Company. It is an awesome movie. Although this movie was not kind of  'high-rated' in the chart, but believe me, never judge a book by its cover or in this case i would say, never judge a movie by its rating.

                First of all, this movie were about analogical stories and documentary behind Dota game. It was about how the world twist their thought about Dota. One issue that had been discussed in this movie was the conflict between parent and their child ambition. I am not denying that every parent in this world wanted their child to be such an ambitious person. A doctor, pharmacist, pilot, scientist, engineer. These were most of the choices that given a parent to their child. Nevertheless, the world had undergone an evolution where technological advancement were playing their role not to just making life easier but in fact, it could make the rusty brain of human to work effectively.

              What is game? does it waste your time?. This questions always circling inside the elder's head. If we look on the other point of view, game can be such a good thing. In fact, people does earn living through games. In China, playing games have been a professional career. Dota is game that can generate and train critical thinking inside our brain. In this movie, they conflict was developed when all of the teams from all over the world competed to be the champion of the Dota competition that worth one million USD. They undergone many hindrances to be the best among the best.

               This movie is great and it can open the eyes of people around the world. Please do take a break from the materialistic life businesses and watch this  movie.

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