Tuesday, 17 May 2016

vocab - (17 may 2016)

The abandonment without consent or legal justification of a person, post, or relationship and associated duties and obligations.
Soldiers were prisoned for desertion of their posts.
If you lament something, you expresses your sadness, regret or disappointment about it.
Ken began to lament the death of his only son.
A scintillating conversation or performance is very lively and interesting.
You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age.
If someone or something is emasculated, they have been made weak and ineffective.
since Japan’s defeat, the military has remained largely emasculated.
If a man is emasculated, he loses male role, identity or qualities.
Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend.
Verisimilitude is the quality of seeming to be true or real.
At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is costly.

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